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- Israel Immersion Program
- San Diego Immersion Program
San Diego Immersion Program
Spotlighting Innovation in the U.S.
The Rady School of Management offers a unique course on innovation that brings students from San Diego and Israel together to examine and address factors related to sustainability and the success of startup companies.
The course, titled "Topics in Innovation: Bringing a Product to the U.S. Market," features a one-week, immersive experience and a case competition. It takes place during spring break or at the beginning of the spring quarter. Twenty graduate students from leading Israeli universities travel to San Diego to build cross-cultural relationships with 20 graduate students from UC San Diego. The students work together on a 48-hour business case that culminates with team presentations of a go-to-market strategy for an Israeli startup to a panel of expert judges.
Students will also meet with entrepreneurs from startups and established companies as part of the course.
Students are required to successfully pass a test that covers the basic concepts necessary for reading and analyzing the case. A two-page reflection paper that summarizes students' experiences in the class is also required.