Personalized Career Coaching
Having a dedicated business career coach is critical to the success of our graduate business students. At the Rady School of Management, we have a team of career coaches who are exclusively devoted to our graduate business degree programs. They are highly skilled and knowledgeable in all topics related to career exploration, job hunting, and professional development. From the moment you start your program, a career coach will be available to help you define your career goals, tailor a personalized roadmap toward achievement, and help find ways to overcome obstacles.
Career and Professional Development Programming
We believe career management is a lifelong process. Rady School of Management offers a collection of topics to enhance professional growth and support you in achieving your career goals. We achieve this through interactive programming with alumni, employers, and skill development training. These interactive events offer career exploration as well as planning and preparation to set you up for career success.
Virtual Resources
The Career Management Center provides a generous set of virtual resources to assist you through the career exploration and job search process. Through Handshake, Rady’s online career portal, you’ll have access to current graduate student internship and post-graduation job postings, as well as upcoming networking events, career treks, employer visits, career fairs, and industry expert panels. In addition, you’ll have ongoing access to job search resources, including self-assessments (CareerLeader), industry and market research (Firsthand, IBISWorld), as well as job search prep resources (Beyond B-Schools, VMock, Big Interview). Resources for the global job market include Careernomics, China Job Portal, GoinGlobal, and Combined with career coaching these virtual resources will support you in landing a career that is right for you.
Access to Potential Employers
The CMC also has a dedicated employer engagement team that provides access points for employers to engage with students and makes it as easy as possible for them to recruit great Rady talent to meet their business needs. We foster strong partnerships with the business community in San Diego and globally, creating long-term relationships between the Rady School and our corporate partners. Typical recruiting events include career fairs, company treks, networking mixers, and industry expert panels.
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